瑞士制造的分散方案. 起始于1962.

毋庸置疑的质量保证, 深入的专业技术, 不断的创新是我们的核心价值. 专注细节, 透明及诚恳的紧密交流令 Kinematica 为任何的应用领域量身定制解决方案 – 包括于其中最困难的案例.

The ACHEMA, Frankfurt am Main

The ACHEMA, Frankfurt am Main
10 June World Forum for the Process Industries.

In Cosmetics Global, Paris - France

In Cosmetics Global, Paris - France
16 April The leading global event for personal care ingredients.

Anuga Food Tec, Cologne, Germany

Anuga Food Tec, Cologne, Germany
19 March Anuga FoodTec is the hotspot of the worldwide food and beverage industry and its suppliers and The meeting point for visionaries and decision-makers.

Kinematica, 由瑞士迈向全世界.

由我们公司及伙伴组成的网络, 已覆盖了世界上多个国家, 我们不会停止脚步, 会继续为更多的客户提供优质的服务, 无论他们在世界的哪个角落


我们方案覆盖实验室, 中试及生产线


  • Hasta Glaces 哈斯塔冰淇淋

    Hasta Glaces 哈斯塔冰淇淋

    Hasta Glace

    哈斯塔(Hasta)的创始人罗尔夫(Rolf)在阿根廷生活了20年。阿根廷的居民也被称为南美的意大利人, 能生产出精美的釉料。罗尔夫(Rolf)回到瑞士时, 发现情况不是他想象中一样。正如罗尔夫经常重复的那样, “冰淇淋应该尝起来就像真正的水果一样”。从那以后, 他决定自己开始制作冰淇淋来解决这个问题。首先, 他为家人和朋友准备了自制的冰淇淋。由此他得到了许多赞美, 从而开始经营自己的冰淇淋店。为了纪念他在阿根廷的生活并忠于他制作的100%天然冰淇淋的概念, 他将公司命名为:HASTA。首字母缩略词Hasta代表Heladeria Argentina-Suiza Totalmente Artesanal, 意为阿根廷-瑞士格拉塞拉登工匠。第一家商店于2002年在Sion大教堂附近的St-Théodule街开业。


    Hasta Glaces哈斯塔冰淇淋用POLYTRON PT-C 80 G生产并完善冰淇淋生产, 从而创造出美味的冰淇淋。创始人兼所有者Rolf Bote说:“ POLYTRON是根据我们的需要建造的, 对于我们不可或缺。”


  • ETH Zurich 苏黎世联邦理工学院

    ETH Zurich 苏黎世联邦理工学院

    ETH Zurich   苏黎世联邦理工学院

    食品科学的目的是确保全球人类的营养及健康。 因此, 营养问题以及人类对健康和福祉的需求是此学科的核心。

    为了找到解决世界粮食问题以及预防和治疗营养依赖性疾病的解决方案, 需要有关食物结构, 可能的微生物或毒性污染或营养物质代谢的创新技术和基础知识。 食品科学探索食品质量, 生产过程与营养对健康的影响之间的基本关系。


    食品加工工程教授Erich J. Windhab多年来一直是Kinematica的紧密合作伙伴。我们已经与Kinematica开展了25年的广泛成功项目合作, 我们非常感谢双方的大力协调, 并期待进一步的创新。”


  • Innorese


    Innorese AG develop future-orientated technologies and products which make life more pleasant, easier or better for people. Innovative products are created there with foresight and ingenuity from the concept to market introduction, and for the most varying application areas, such as Food, Pharmaceuticals, Sports, Lifestyle and much more.

    Philipp Wötzer, Head of Innovation: "The POLYTRON disperser enabled us to properly disperse a reactive ink we had developed and manufactured ourselves and to successfully print it on a flexographic press on a large scale."


  • Wycos laboratory

    Wycos laboratory

    Wycos is a Swiss company that manufactures various cosmetic products in its own laboratory, namely day creams, body lotions, hand creams, cream shower and cleansing milk. These products are refined with plant extracts, essential oils, Emmental herbal extracts and genuine Swiss edelweiss extract.


  • Howorth Air Technology

    Howorth Air Technology

    At Howorth our sole purpose is to make a meaningful difference in the lives of the patients we serve. By focusing on reducing risk we can improve outcomes and enhance quality of life.

    We work closely with our customers to design and develop controlled clean environments. By applying our expertise in air engineering, we can deliver tailored solutions that provide the highest levels of safety and performance.

    We are a specialist supplier of air technology solutions to the global healthcare and pharmaceutical industries.

    We are Engineering for Life.

    Howorth Group

  • ZHAW Life Sciences 苏黎世应用技术大学 - 生命科学部

    ZHAW Life Sciences 苏黎世应用技术大学 - 生命科学部

    ZHAW Life Science und Facility Management Logo

    ZHAW(苏黎世应用技术大学)食品与饮料创新研究所从构思到为客户服务:开发增值和市场驱动型食品。 该研究所满足了人们的需求,并希望以愉悦,健康,安全和可持续的食品满足他们的需求。 它的活动集中于食品的生产和加工。 九个研究团队利用其多年的经验,根据最新的知识和技术水平来处理订单。 成功的工业项目的参考资料表明了该研究所的能力和重要性。

    ZHAW 苏黎世应用技术大学

  • Debiopharm


    Debiopharm is an independent biopharmaceutical company based in Switzerland with an ongoing commitment to improve patient outcomes and quality of life in oncology and bacterial infections. The Debiopharm Research & Manufacturing Company, located in Martigny, is a world leader in polylactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA)-based injectable, sustained-release technology. It has been used for one of our best-selling product Decapeptyl®, a novel injectable controlled-release formulation of triptorelin – a gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist analogue. This mode of administration developed by Debiopharm Research & Manufacturing relies on the active substance being “encapsulated” in a PLGA polymer to allow gradual dissolution and distribution of the substance in the patient’s body.

    Julien Cotter, Pharmaceutical Process Engineer: "Our collaboration with Kinematica was a great success in terms of process development and scale-up."


  • Mindful Mixtures

    Mindful Mixtures

    Mindful Mixtures提供手工制作的有机精油和植物混合物,旨在针对疼痛和炎症,促进睡眠,提高情绪,是放松的好工具。店主都是健康专家,致力于了解人们的需求,开发能够改变他们生活的产品。
    Mindful Mixtures是一个生活方式品牌,努力为人们提供安全和有效的产品,同时也是对环境的可持续发展。该公司的目标是让自然回归健康,让全球认识到植物的力量和关心进入你身体的东西的重要性。作为运动员,他们希望创造一种产品,不仅能提高一个人的表现,而且是一个有健康意识的运动员恢复的重要组成部分,这就是他们最畅销的、以镁为基础的解决方案 "Charley "的诞生。

    在寻找了一年的合适设备后,Kinematica成为我们的首选公司。快速的维修服务和顶级的客户服务,我们很幸运能在我们的生活中拥有他们 感谢Kinematica所做的一切!

    Mindful Mixtures

  • FenX


    FenX transforms mineral waste into high performance and sustainable insulation for the building industry. Their non-flammable and fully recycable insulation material has a great impact on the sustainability of the building industry and shows that innovation can be done everywhere. At the end of life, they can process their insulation materials and re-employ them in the production of new foams. FenX' technology enables them to use a vast selection of locally sourced, readily available mineral wastes and low-value natural materials. The controlled composition of their material sources fulfills all the safety requirements to be used in the building industry.

    Thanks to Kinematica's MEGATRON® MT-FM, the controlled porosity obtained in the material allowed them to fabricate foams with well-defined properties.




    粒度测量的需求已成为我们和客户的重要组成部分。 这就是与SOPAT建立伙伴关系的原因。 与SOPAT一起,开发了创新,准确的测量解决方案,并将其集成到整个过程中并用于分析。

    "我们与Kinematica的合作是一个理想的选择,因为Kinematica的分散质量将与SOPAT的在线粒度分析相结合,以关闭控制回路,并同时实现工艺和质量控制",位于柏林的SOPAT GmbH销售和市场主管Mirco Wegener博士说。